Fertilidad para los hombres

Suplemento a base de hierbas para apoyar la fertilidad masculina


Precio de oferta $30.00 Precio habitual $69.00

Acerca del producto

  • Fórmula Premium de Hierbas Naturales
  • Apoya el sistema reproductor masculino
  • Optimiza la calidad del esperma y la salud de la fertilidad
  • Validado científicamente
  • Hecho en EE.UU.
  • Poder de las plantas naturales: fórmula exacta a partir de plantas naturales, absorbida por el cuerpo y convertida en poder interno del sistema reproductivo.
  • Tecnología avanzada —- Garantiza la protección de toda la nutrición de las plantas y es útil para apoyar el sistema reproductivo.
  • Cuidado múltiple: a diferencia de un solo elemento, varias plantas tienen múltiples poderes para apoyar el sistema reproductivo.
  • Gran trabajo — Consumación del trabajo de toda una vida de nuestro equipo profesional


Uso sugerido

Uso recomendado: Como suplemento dietético, tome un total de 3 cápsulas al día. Si lo desea, puede tomar de 3 a 6 cápsulas durante los primeros 1 a 2 meses para una mejora más rápida, seguido del uso continuo de 3 cápsulas al día. Puede tomarse durante el tiempo que sea necesario para ayudar a concebir un hijo. Úselo durante al menos tres meses antes de esperar una mejora significativa en la fertilidad. También puede ser conveniente que su pareja tome FertilityBlend para mujeres. Los problemas de fertilidad femenina a menudo se deben a desequilibrios hormonales o factores de estrés que disminuyen la tasa de liberación de óvulos.

Otros ingredientes

Sílice, estearato de magnesio, harina de arroz en polvo.

Sin saborizantes, colorantes ni conservantes artificiales.


Solo para adultos. Para aquellas personas con alguna condición médica preexistente, consulte a un médico antes de usar. En caso de sobredosis accidental, busque ayuda profesional de inmediato. Mantener fuera del alcance de los niños. Mantener el frasco bien cerrado en un lugar fresco y seco. No usar si el sello de seguridad del frasco falta o está roto.

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After only taking it for a little over a month, my husband's motility had jumped to 30% our doctor was very impressed with the improvement.


I started taking the fertility pills along with the m.u stomach pills on june 28, &on august 5 I have a healthy period for the first time in almost a decade!! it came naturally with healthy bright red blood no brown dry dead blood!! IT IS SO MANY PILLS BUT IT IS SO WORTH IT. No baby yet but 5 stars because it got my to start my period when the drs couldn't!! Baby dust to you all!! I hope God blesses every one of us!!

United States United States

My husband is an engineer and drives all day for 12 hours and does not get much movement. The last time we got pregnant he worked out for 1 month...then 2 months later we became pregnant(hence sperms 90 day growth phase), but miscarried. We did all the fertility workup stuff and the issue was that his motility was like 4%, but ***** count was 36mil. My husband started this either 2 or 3 months ago along with support spleen and stomach....im pregnant. I hope and pray this sticks. I am 4 weeks pregnant and have been taking m.u Fertility for Women along with him. Hope the M.U gives us a sticky healthy baby



Motility was at 0% and after 1.5 months motility was 30%. There were other significant improvements. Although motility still needs to be higher the 30% was after only 1.5 months! I'm very pleased

United States United States

After my husband's first ***** analysis--we were referred to urologist because of low EVERYTHING! I was skeptical about ordering but figured we had nothing to lose! Just received the results of his second analysis and his motility improved from 19.6% to 52%!!! From low to NORMAL!! His progressive movement improved from 12.3% to 30% (still just under normal--but it more than doubled in a month and a half!). We are not parents yet, but we are feeling hopeful after seeing with our own eyes the improvement from him taking M.U products!

United States United States

My husband and I both have been taking m.u fertility products for 5 month. When my period ended up being 10 days late, I took a pregnancy test & it came back positive!! I have no doubt that the combination of products that my husband & I used had a huge impact on being able to conceive, especially the fertility for men. And these products were so much cheaper than the products that my doctor recommended for my husband's *****. BLESS YOU for your products!!

United States United States

My husband and I both have fertility issue. Our first test my husband's ***** count was in normal range; however is motility was only 2%. I went online and found the m.u products. I ordered this for him and the women's products for me. We got pregnant after only taking them over 4 months. We 're very grateful that I would suggest anyone who is skeptical to give it a try; my husband was very skeptical, but he is now a believer of the brand!


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