productos principales

Apoya la memoria, el enfoque y la claridad cerebral - Mermaid USA MU


Precio habitual $60.00

Acerca del producto

  • Extracción de esencia de plantas naturales completas, sin OGM, sin soja, cápsulas

  • Apoya la función cerebral completa

  • Claridad en la memoria y el enfoque

  • Poder de las plantas de la naturaleza: fórmula exacta de plantas de la naturaleza, absorbida por el cuerpo y convertida en poder saludable para la claridad cerebral, la memoria y la concentración.
  • Tecnología avanzada: garantiza la protección de toda la nutrición de las plantas y es útil para apoyar el cerebro.
  • Cuidado múltiple: a diferencia de un solo elemento, se diseñaron varias plantas para apoyar el cerebro.
  • Gran trabajo — Consumación del trabajo de toda una vida de nuestro equipo profesional
Descripciones de productos

Estoy cansado. Estoy perdido.

Estoy abrumado por las innumerables tareas y mi cerebro no puede funcionar.

Déjalo ir o no

No puedo perder mi trabajo.

No conozco mi camino

No puedo verlo, solo lo quiero en mi cama.

Me he vuelto tan insensible…

Giro de vuelta

Y mírame

Y verás que somos reales.

Hay una manera de cambiarlo y debes saberlo.

El cerebro es como una computadora, es el sistema nervioso central. Recibe y envía información continuamente. ¿Te imaginas cuándo la computadora funcionaría cada vez más lentamente? Principalmente por la CPU. El proceso es similar: nuestro cerebro tardaría cada vez más tiempo en procesar toda la información cuando no se transmite energía al cerebro. Es como si una persona se relajara cuando no ha comido lo suficiente.

Sólo suministrar los nutrientes necesarios al cerebro no es suficiente , porque debemos asegurarnos de que los nutrientes sean absorbidos por nuestro sistema digestivo y transmitidos al cerebro cuando es necesario.

Los suplementos para el cerebro de Mermaid USA Support hacen justamente eso: nos aseguramos de que se absorban y lleguen a su destino, brindando al cerebro la nutrición adecuada y precisa, activando las células energéticas y la concentración. Es la culminación del trabajo de toda una vida de nuestro equipo profesional. Reúne la naturaleza y el poder verde de diferentes planetas de manera científica y brinda suplementos diseñados para respaldar el poder original de todo el cerebro. Es tan natural que todos tienen el derecho y el poder de tenerlo.

Uso sugerido

Como suplemento dietético, tomar 1-2 veces al día, 1-3 cápsulas por vez.

Otros ingredientes:

Sin azúcar, sal, almidón, levadura, trigo, gluten, soja, maíz, pescado, mariscos, nueces, frutos secos, huevos ni lácteos.

Sin sabores artificiales, colorantes ni conservantes artificiales.

Customer Reviews
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Ebonique H.
United States United States

Can tell a difference in focus

I like taking these , they keep me more focus during work, which makes the day go faster and get more work done. Another thing I love about all of their products is that there are never any side effects. And they all work so well. Definitely a company I truly trust

United States United States


United States United States

Tastes so bad....

United States United States

broken bottle



Dear, hi, we are very sorry about that and we've already sent you a new bottle. We deeply apologize for the inconvenience. Please let me know if you need any help. Best regards.

United States United States

so so

Anne C.
United States United States

Great as always!

My third time purchasing it, it really helps a lot on my study and work! Plus, customer service was super prompt and nice!

Anne C.
United States United States

Game Changer!!

I was taking it every day during the exam period and did notice a difference with my cognitive function. It becomes easier for me to understand different abstract concepts and find the linkage between them as compared to the past. My exam results (60+ on average) are a lot better than my expectation and my past test results (40+ on average) from earlier this year. Thank you for creating such a great product, definitely a game changer for me!


This is probably one of the purest products I have ever taken. No side effects and does exactly what it says it’s supposed to.


I have never been a believer in “focus” supplements. I always felt the reported results where the placebo effect. So when I was offered the opportunity to try some, I was quite excited to validate my opinion. The very first day I had a chuckle to myself and took the recommended dose. On my drive to work, I had a ridiculous amount of focus! It was somewhat surreal and rather calming. I have a very stressful job and often get stressed out and somewhat irritable, but I stayed much more calm and in control of my thoughts and emotions. It honestly made me feel the focus I had when I was much younger.


Wow! I felt amazing today...lots of energy, quick thinking, did the things I needed to do with more joy and flexibility, and for the most part I have felt happier and more patient. I did my usual amount of work today but I seemed more efficient at those tasks. I didn't have anything particularly creative to do today, mostly mundane stuff and didn't have my usual procrastination. I did feel a bit of a dip in my energy and focus about 3-4 hours after taking it but I moved through that fairly quickly and got a second wind. Even as I fill out this survey, more than hours after taking it, I feel quick with my words and lucid with my thoughts. I am not hesitant like I often am. I feel like my brain has been turned up many dials. Amazing!

United States United States

Ok, in the first month I wasn’t sure about this product as I didn’t seem to see much benefit, other than an increase in focus, similar to the positive benefits of coffee. Then I found out the difference between it and coffee. I was easy to sick and my immune system was low but have been getting better since taking this brand. After 3 month, all of a sudden my creativity and task completion was going through the roof. Maybe it's not some magic pills, but would give back your real health and life.

United States United States

If used with intention it can be like unlocking a new level of focus and productivity. Their customer support team is endlessly friendly and helpful. I had inquired about a shipment that went missing after it was delivered; they quickly solved the problem and kept in communication with me the whole time. It was genuine it was authentic and it is appreciated. From an integrity stand point, they are world class in my opinion

United States United States

I struggle with (undiagnosed) ADHD, and am looking for ways to help with focus, so I thought I would give these a try. I sometimes forget to take them, but they help, I can notice the change.

United States United States

I just ordered a second bottle of M.U support brain. I don't normally give reviews at all, but this product is really something special. It gives a gentle and continuous boost of, well... focus - without making me jittery, as caffeine would. It's just a subtle but noticeable improvement in my ability to stay on task and to stay organized without getting distracted. I'm pleasantly surprised and will continue to order this supplement.

United States United States

This product makes me feel like I am so good. Not only do I feel a boost of positive energy giving way to experiencing more joy, I also have increased drive and motivation to crush my daily tasks. M.U will certainly improve your quality of life in all areas. Let's just say I have a healthy regimen of supplements that I take daily, however, if I had to choose just 1 to take for the rest of my life it would be M.U.Cheers!

United States United States

I was very impressed by this one. I really felt like I had a greater awareness of my clarity and focus on the days I had taken them. They had no aftertaste, were easy to swallow, and I didn’t have issue with interaction with any of my other pills or supplements.

United States United States

I take this with a cup of milk at work and it really gets me going, I stay focused on the task at hand, keeps my memory sharp, and before i know it the day is almost over! Product is vegan friendly too!

United States United States

My cup went from B to D with 9 bottles. LOVE !

United States United States

I noticed a boost to my energy and focus. I am an engineer, I experienced levels of energy that I have not had in years. I was able to breeze through tasks at work due to the ability to focus on what I needed to. Great product.

United States United States


If you use it according to directions it works. However it may take weeks to months to work. Overall, I've noticed improvement in my memory recall, I can focus better and stay focused for longer than usual.

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