FAQ--about shipping, results, side effects and everything

3 minute read

1  Q ---Hi can I take the skin whitening pills along with the breast enhancement pills? Will there be any side effect if I take them together?


    A----Yes, you would definitely take whitening pills along with breast enhancement pills. No side     effects if you take them together. And they're made of totally natural and green ingredients, good for  health and skin.  (You would take any of out products together without any side effects, and no single our product has any side effects)



2   Q---Also are the whitening pills good for removing aging spots and sun sports on face?

     A---Yes, they are very good for removing aging spots and sun sports on face


3   Q---How much is the shipping fee to countries outside of the USA?

    A----The shipping fee is free with 6 bottles purchase in one time, otherwise, the fee is about 50 US dollars by Fedex or UPS.



4  Q---Are the results guaranteed?

    A---Yes, we guarantee every customer's satisfaction and results.



5  Q--- How many pills should I take?

    A--- It's suggested on the bottle, but if you are not sure, just please email us: mermaid@mermadusa.com



6   Q---What is the main effect of the breast pills: health or enhancement? Does it boost blood circulation or female hormones or both? I have tried a few other brands and the result is not noticeable so I want to know more about your supplements.


     A---The main effect of breast pills is for health and then for enhancement. Many of our customers take it as a health-keeping supplement and none of them get any breast problems for a very long time. It balances female hormones and boosts blood circulation. 




7   Q---Do the pills need to be taken after achieving the desired result for permanent effect and is it healthy to do so? Or should we stop using it when we get what we want?


     A---The results would be called permanent, your results won't go back to the original once you stop taking. But like the flowers need water and nutrition every day, our skin and body need maintenance as well, I suggest you would take only 1 pill of each to maintain intermittently.

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